Tuesday, February 21, 2012

40k Release - Tervigon and Thunderwolf Cavalry

Collecting Space Wolves and Tyranids today has been a great day for me. It has also been no doubt, a great day for anyone that just enjoys collecting models, table top gaming, or playing either army or in a sense even those that play against those armies. From the Tyranid perspective, I do see the need to have a Tervigon, or five. It is also nice to see that there are actual models and we don't have to worry as much about 5 carnifex being torn up or being turned into Counts As for Tervigons.

The problem I have had with Games-Workshop and their methods of releasing their models is that it takes ages to finally get the models you need to run an army or to complete the range. The same could be said with the Thunderwolf Cavalry although that isn't necessarily needed to run a list. 

Tervigon (It is a dual kit that allows the ability to make a Tyrannofex, most likely we will not see those on the table top unless it's a friendly game. )

And Thunderwolf Cavalry!!!

So I pose this question to you, what do you guys think of the new models and have you all ready gone out and purchased third party models?