Thursday, May 3, 2012

Warhammer 40k: Flyer Rumors

First, I would like to thank BeastsofWar and Nafkta for ALWAYS having the scoop. They are my go to guide for 40k related releases which is brilliant because I play too many table top games to hunt down every rumor out there. Natfka has an almost godly nose for he's able to smell a rumor no matter how strong it may be. So I just want to give credit where credit is do, keep up the amazing work man...

As to BeastsofWar... There are times that these guys are incredible funny, cheesey, geeky, but nonetheless they ALWAYS have the scoop when it comes to 40k. I don't know how these guys do it, they must know someone at Games-Workshop because they have had the release of products pegged before it actually comes out... You guys are brilliant.

So what we have so far in terms is a possible 3 in 1 kit for Orks, I'll talk about names later. You've got the Space Marine flyer, and you've got the Necrons. That's all that has been mentioned. Do we have the Dark Eldar kit that we have been waiting for and the Harpy? Who knows... What we do know, is that BeastsofWar knows and that's all we need to know, for now. I'll post more at 5pm after BeastsofWar has confirmed what they know on their podcast.

Now to my rant... I really do feel as though Games-Workshop is giving Forgeworld the finger because they just came out with a flyer and now Games-Workshop gets to say, haha!!! We  have one that can actually be used in our games. How's about you?! I wouldn't be surprised if the points value is dirty cheap on the Space Marine "Storm Talon" in game, but monetary value I'm sure it'll be about Storm Raven, if not a bit more.

I'm also curious to see how the Storm Talon looks. I'm not a fan of how the Storm Raven looks... I'd prefer to have a flyer that looks unlike a shoebox with wings... That's probably why I really like the Valkyrie and the current Dark Eldar flyer. I hope it's mouth watering this release, I really do. :)

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