Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dust Warfare

Having been a longterm AT-43 player and having a fully playable Therian army and a large collection of Karman's... I was sad to see that the game known as AT-43 and the rest of Rackham Entertainment being liquidated. The worst part about the liquidation, I know some people were excited to see miniatures go for cheap, is the knowledge that there will be no new miniatures, that there will be no new blood in the game, and that it most likely will not be played at your local game shop.

With this being said, a lot of the artwork that can be seen in Dust Tactics and the new game Dust Warfare, looks identical to that of AT-43. I have not done any research into who crossed over and when but I do know that Rackham and Fantasy Flight were working closely together on AT-43 and seeing the artwork it is obvious that now that Rackham is gone it's talent has gone to where it could be utilized.

Let's jump right into the meat of the topic and that is the miniatures. AT-43 was nice because it was prepainted. Some people complained... like they always will... but you can still paint prepainted minis which is why I fail to understand why some are angry at that concept. Fantasy Flight is offering cheap minis that are ready to be used right out of the box. A great example of this is, with Games-Workshop I have to put together my models, paint them, and then play... (I hate playing with unpainted miniatures) but with Dust Warfare they're at least primed separate colors so I know who is who and don't have to worry about grey on grey combat.

I also like the fact that as said, they're primed. That means if you want to, which most of us will, we can then paint them. The game also plays very similar to that of AT-43 so anyone who enjoyed that game will feel right at home with Dust Warfare. The final piece to this, it seems like it has enough backing and a future so it appears to be a game that I myself am going to be jumping head first into. Watch the video below released by Fantasy Flight.

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