Wednesday, March 21, 2012

PuppetsWar - Not Necron

If someone made an orc it would easily be distinguished as an orc. No one can truly copyright what an Orc is being it's a mythical creature that has been around since the dawn of time. People can however copyright the words Ork, Orx, Orrk, or however the hell they want to spell it. The copy right of a specific race or a creature is fine and dandy and I am all for companies protecting their intellectual property. I am first and foremost pro business and pro good ol' fashioned ingenuity. With that being said, there have been some companies out there that make NOT products.

What do I mean by NOT products? Let's say I make a 28mm race and rules for a game I've created. I then make models and yet for some reason there are things either missing from the models that there are rules for or they are just not quite up to your liking... Then what do we do? Well the first thing would be start looking into third party companies.

Don't let the idea of a third party company scare you. Sometimes they're the best thing to ever happen to the market place. Some companies tend to make similar products (notice I'm not saying the same!) that tend to be remarkably beautiful. Well one of the companies I want to talk about today is PuppetsWar.

PuppetsWar is a company that has been around for a few years and has been making some beautiful, beautiful models and conversion pieces. Some of the things they've done range from weapon conversions such as halbards with large guns that fire bolts, teehee, to alternative heads and the likes. Never have they come out and blatantly said "Don't buy this companies product buy ours instead." No, what they do is they create models  that tend to fit perfectly with other games and they're usually just what is needed for games that have models that are say, missing. By missing I mean they're in the rulebook but they're not actually there as models to purchase which makes me quite mad when you think about going out and buying an army book from a company and they can't even release the models for it.

Their latest line, probably my favorite line, tends to be their Not Necrons. They don't call them that but let's be honest, their mechanical undead look and feel and the fact that the models are JUST what is needed to fill the gaps in a so called Necron army tends to be brilliant and maybe a little more than just coincidence. As said there is nothing wrong with this and all of their models are created by them actually building/rendering the models whether it be from green stuff or computer 3d modeling. This is completely legal because they did not just steal another model, recast something and then bam, you've got a new line of similar models.

Let's talk about the models. These pictures have been taken from their facebook and website, and hopefully you guys go and check out their page, like their page on facebook, or even purchase their models. I for one can't wait to see if they make some alternative daemonettes because I am just completely and utterly disgusted with the way the recent ones look.

If you're in the market to purchase some new Necron counts as, these guys are great. These Scarabs are large and resemble the originals that had been made.

Or if you have plenty of Scarabs and are more in the market for say some Tomb Bikes, I mean Cyber Bikes, then these are great!

PuppetsWar makes a lot of great stuff and you should all check them out. Give their page a look and add them on facebook to see some of the new models that they're inevitably going to release.

PuppetsWar on Facebook: PuppetsWar on Facebook
PuppetsWar official page: PuppetsWar Official Website

All pictures here are (c) To This is in no way to challenge their intellectual property but rather to spread the words of Puppetswar and their amazing products.

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