Forgeworld has always made beautiful items whether it be for the Warhammer Fantasy or the Warhammer 40k line, but should we even refer to half of what they make for 40k as that or should we scale it back to Warhammer 30k? The reason I say this is they have recently been cranking out dozens of Pre-Heresy models or models that are designed to fill the slot of those players who want to recreate their favorite books.
On pre-order are some Pre-Heresy Terminators. I'll skip the long dramatic pause and get us directly into the action. Read below:
"Tactical Dreadnought Armour, or Terminator Armour as it is more usually known, is the most resilient form of personal protection available to the Adeptus Astartes. Originally developed during the closing years of the Great Crusade, and adapted from the heaviest of industrial gear, several types and patterns were developed concurrently.
Of these, the Indomitus pattern is perhaps the most widespread, due to its template being held on key Forge Worlds such as Mars, although Tartaros Pattern Terminator armour is also issued to the Veterans of a Chapter’s 1st Company. Perhaps the most advanced form of Tactical Dreadnought Armour, the Tartaros pattern shares many systems with the MkIV ‘Maximus’ pattern of power armour, and provides greater mobility for its wearer than the Indomitus pattern with no loss in durability or protection.
The Tartaros Pattern Terminators set, models designed by Will Hayes, is a full resin kit that comprises five Terminators, armed with power fists, a power sword, storm bolters, a heavy flamer and enough optional attachments to arm four Space Marines with chainfists.
Please note that these models are not compatible with our range of Terminator Shoulder Pads.
This detailed squad will be available to purchase in limited numbers at the Forge World Open Day on Sunday 1st April, and is also available to pre-order now for despatch from 10th April." Taken directly from Forgeworld.
These guys are simply beautiful and I think it's about time that they had come out with them. If you would like to learn more about them or to pre-order them now at the moment I'll post the link below. Also, add me on facebook if you would like to talk about future products coming out, products that are out or even if you're a gaming shop and would like to spread the word!
To Pre-Order click here: Tartaros Pattern Terminators
Like our facebook page!!!!! Facebook Page
Friday, March 30, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
PuppetsWar - Not Wraith!
Considering this is the year of 40k, as it has been rumored around the interwebs, I am completely disappointed by the lack of Warhammer 40k models that have come out. Lord of the Rings received a large update with new models, new edition and rules and the likes. This is understandable only due to the fact that there is indeed a new Lord of the Rings movie coming out, we all know about The Hobbit I and part II that is coming out soon after.
Now, considering this is the 'year of 40k' with the rumored 6th edition coming some time this Summer the question is... Why would they not quickly put out the models needed to field a competative Necron army? Well, for those out there who would like to play a Necron army and have no started because they do not either like the metal Wraith that are on Ebay or they just want to fill the slot quickly and cheaply then look no further.
PuppetsWar, if you've looked at my earlier posts you'll see, make beautiful models and sometimes they just conviniently fill in the position of games that have a gap when it comes to models comparative to rules. One of these very situations is the Necron Wraith which PuppetsWar Cyber Arthropod looks like a perfect fit. Look below to see pictures and a link as to where you can purchase these amazing models.
The pictures are (c) As said before, they're dirt cheap. When Games-Workshop was selling the metal Wraith they were about $15 for one and I'm sure finecast or plastic (if they ever come out) will be near $45. These THREE are $24.68. That's an amazing deal.
To purchase these models check out the link beside: Cyber Arthropod
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Facebook Page!
A small update. I have created a Facebook page. Feel free to add it to your facebook so that we can all talk freely and openly about table top gaming, rumors, news updates, ect.,.
Add here: Gaming As We Know It - Facebook
Add here: Gaming As We Know It - Facebook
New Games Workshop Paint!!!
For months now there have been rumors about the brand new Games-Workshop paint and paint colors. There have been a lot of complaints that they may raise the price of the paint if they happen to come out with new paint and there have also been a lot of worries that they may get rid of a few colors... Let me be the first to tell you these are both false! Today Games-Workshop has announced that there are now over 140 different colors and each one is still at the $3.70 set mark!
Games-Workshop has also released a lot of new pinks which means my Dark Eldar, my Tyranids and my Chaos Space Marines are going to get some serious loving. (I love pink and purple. Leave me alone.) I am also pleased to say it looks like they've added some form of textured paint. I'm not sure if this is going to help with weathering and giving models the look that they've got mud on them or not but I am seriously loving the idea if this is the case.
The only complaint is that all the paints have new names... ie., Devlan Mud is no longer known as Devlan Mud and one of the ways to find out the perfect color scheme that has been rumored is to look at this months up and coming White Dwarf. I believe someone has all ready posted the old color names and the names they now correspond to. Well let's just look at the new paints!!!!
Isn't this just beautiful?!?!??! They're up for pre-order!!!
To Pre-Order go here: New Paint
Games-Workshop has also released a lot of new pinks which means my Dark Eldar, my Tyranids and my Chaos Space Marines are going to get some serious loving. (I love pink and purple. Leave me alone.) I am also pleased to say it looks like they've added some form of textured paint. I'm not sure if this is going to help with weathering and giving models the look that they've got mud on them or not but I am seriously loving the idea if this is the case.
The only complaint is that all the paints have new names... ie., Devlan Mud is no longer known as Devlan Mud and one of the ways to find out the perfect color scheme that has been rumored is to look at this months up and coming White Dwarf. I believe someone has all ready posted the old color names and the names they now correspond to. Well let's just look at the new paints!!!!
Isn't this just beautiful?!?!??! They're up for pre-order!!!
To Pre-Order go here: New Paint
Friday, March 23, 2012
Veer-myn Concept Art
So Mantic Games is doing some awesome stuff. Their Veer-myn work is looking so beautiful and I can't wait to see these take fruition and become actual models on the table top. Here's some concept art taken from BeastsofWar. :)
I cannot wait to buy these guys.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
PuppetsWar - Not Necron
If someone made an orc it would easily be distinguished as an orc. No one can truly copyright what an Orc is being it's a mythical creature that has been around since the dawn of time. People can however copyright the words Ork, Orx, Orrk, or however the hell they want to spell it. The copy right of a specific race or a creature is fine and dandy and I am all for companies protecting their intellectual property. I am first and foremost pro business and pro good ol' fashioned ingenuity. With that being said, there have been some companies out there that make NOT products.
What do I mean by NOT products? Let's say I make a 28mm race and rules for a game I've created. I then make models and yet for some reason there are things either missing from the models that there are rules for or they are just not quite up to your liking... Then what do we do? Well the first thing would be start looking into third party companies.
Don't let the idea of a third party company scare you. Sometimes they're the best thing to ever happen to the market place. Some companies tend to make similar products (notice I'm not saying the same!) that tend to be remarkably beautiful. Well one of the companies I want to talk about today is PuppetsWar.
PuppetsWar is a company that has been around for a few years and has been making some beautiful, beautiful models and conversion pieces. Some of the things they've done range from weapon conversions such as halbards with large guns that fire bolts, teehee, to alternative heads and the likes. Never have they come out and blatantly said "Don't buy this companies product buy ours instead." No, what they do is they create models that tend to fit perfectly with other games and they're usually just what is needed for games that have models that are say, missing. By missing I mean they're in the rulebook but they're not actually there as models to purchase which makes me quite mad when you think about going out and buying an army book from a company and they can't even release the models for it.
Their latest line, probably my favorite line, tends to be their Not Necrons. They don't call them that but let's be honest, their mechanical undead look and feel and the fact that the models are JUST what is needed to fill the gaps in a so called Necron army tends to be brilliant and maybe a little more than just coincidence. As said there is nothing wrong with this and all of their models are created by them actually building/rendering the models whether it be from green stuff or computer 3d modeling. This is completely legal because they did not just steal another model, recast something and then bam, you've got a new line of similar models.
Let's talk about the models. These pictures have been taken from their facebook and website, and hopefully you guys go and check out their page, like their page on facebook, or even purchase their models. I for one can't wait to see if they make some alternative daemonettes because I am just completely and utterly disgusted with the way the recent ones look.
If you're in the market to purchase some new Necron counts as, these guys are great. These Scarabs are large and resemble the originals that had been made.
Or if you have plenty of Scarabs and are more in the market for say some Tomb Bikes, I mean Cyber Bikes, then these are great!
PuppetsWar makes a lot of great stuff and you should all check them out. Give their page a look and add them on facebook to see some of the new models that they're inevitably going to release.
PuppetsWar on Facebook: PuppetsWar on Facebook
PuppetsWar official page: PuppetsWar Official Website
All pictures here are (c) To This is in no way to challenge their intellectual property but rather to spread the words of Puppetswar and their amazing products.
What do I mean by NOT products? Let's say I make a 28mm race and rules for a game I've created. I then make models and yet for some reason there are things either missing from the models that there are rules for or they are just not quite up to your liking... Then what do we do? Well the first thing would be start looking into third party companies.
Don't let the idea of a third party company scare you. Sometimes they're the best thing to ever happen to the market place. Some companies tend to make similar products (notice I'm not saying the same!) that tend to be remarkably beautiful. Well one of the companies I want to talk about today is PuppetsWar.
PuppetsWar is a company that has been around for a few years and has been making some beautiful, beautiful models and conversion pieces. Some of the things they've done range from weapon conversions such as halbards with large guns that fire bolts, teehee, to alternative heads and the likes. Never have they come out and blatantly said "Don't buy this companies product buy ours instead." No, what they do is they create models that tend to fit perfectly with other games and they're usually just what is needed for games that have models that are say, missing. By missing I mean they're in the rulebook but they're not actually there as models to purchase which makes me quite mad when you think about going out and buying an army book from a company and they can't even release the models for it.
Their latest line, probably my favorite line, tends to be their Not Necrons. They don't call them that but let's be honest, their mechanical undead look and feel and the fact that the models are JUST what is needed to fill the gaps in a so called Necron army tends to be brilliant and maybe a little more than just coincidence. As said there is nothing wrong with this and all of their models are created by them actually building/rendering the models whether it be from green stuff or computer 3d modeling. This is completely legal because they did not just steal another model, recast something and then bam, you've got a new line of similar models.
Let's talk about the models. These pictures have been taken from their facebook and website, and hopefully you guys go and check out their page, like their page on facebook, or even purchase their models. I for one can't wait to see if they make some alternative daemonettes because I am just completely and utterly disgusted with the way the recent ones look.
If you're in the market to purchase some new Necron counts as, these guys are great. These Scarabs are large and resemble the originals that had been made.
Or if you have plenty of Scarabs and are more in the market for say some Tomb Bikes, I mean Cyber Bikes, then these are great!
PuppetsWar makes a lot of great stuff and you should all check them out. Give their page a look and add them on facebook to see some of the new models that they're inevitably going to release.
PuppetsWar on Facebook: PuppetsWar on Facebook
PuppetsWar official page: PuppetsWar Official Website
All pictures here are (c) To This is in no way to challenge their intellectual property but rather to spread the words of Puppetswar and their amazing products.
Just a personal update
First I would like to apologize for not updating the blog in two or three days. I have been very stressed out the past couple of days with finding an apartment, preparing to move in, being unemployed and looking for work in the area and so I just had to take a few days to myself and just sit back doing absolutely nothing. Last week I must have applied to about twenty somewhat jobs and I haven't heard back from a single one of them... But let's look to the future... Let's look at what's on the horizon for some of the models on their way shall we? Today I'm going to cover some things from a third party company, just some references as I haven't purchased anything from them yet but I know I am going to.
I love seeing painted figures. I myself have gotten a few of my Forge Fathers painted, that'll be something I post hopefully by the weekend. I am also scheduled to play a small Kill Team match with my buddy, he'll be playing Tau and me most likely my Space Wolves. Most of his models will not be painted but the ones I end up using if we do play will be painted. The terrain however, most likely will not be.
If you would like to send me any pictures of your models to show off on the blog just send away to I love seeing beautiful painted models, conversion work, ect.,
I love seeing painted figures. I myself have gotten a few of my Forge Fathers painted, that'll be something I post hopefully by the weekend. I am also scheduled to play a small Kill Team match with my buddy, he'll be playing Tau and me most likely my Space Wolves. Most of his models will not be painted but the ones I end up using if we do play will be painted. The terrain however, most likely will not be.
If you would like to send me any pictures of your models to show off on the blog just send away to I love seeing beautiful painted models, conversion work, ect.,
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Tattoo Artist - East Tattoo's
I know this isn't entirely gaming related but I figured I would still put it here for those of you who ever decide you would like to get tattoos or add on to the ones you all ready have. We all tend to ask the question, who do you go to? Or who SHOULD you go to? Well I personally can vouch for a good man and a great artist, my buddy Ali. If you're ever in the San Diego, Cali area you'll just have to see him. He does frequent the New England area as well.
If you would like to learn more about him or his tattoos, check out his facebook page. It's an easy way to contact him and find out where and when he can put some of this amazing artwork on you.
Link can be found here: East Tattoos
Link can be found here: East Tattoos
Friday, March 16, 2012
Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine
I apologize for not putting this up the day it came out. Forge World has done it again. They've done the pre-heresy line for Marines and this has easily been one of their best works so far. It even rivals their recent Space Marine dreadnaught bits. Without further ado, here are the pics.
"The Decimator is a brutal and hellish creation; the essence of a creature of the Warp bound and fettered within the armoured bulk of a bipedal war machine. Great slab-shoulders of tainted and defiled ceramite and adamantium, and a low-set ‘head’ give the Decimator a characteristic hunched posture which exudes brooding and vicious menace.
Inquisitorial savants do not know for sure what malefic party is responsible for this sinful innovation as the Decimator is capable of fielding a wide range of armament: rapid-firing Butcher Cannons, multi-barrelled Stormlasers, and great raking Siege Claws to name but a few. Towering over even the mighty Contemptor Pattern Dreadnoughts of the Adeptus Astartes, the Decimator is believed to be an attempt to bolster the ranks of such ancient devices that still serve the Traitor Legions. If this is the truth, then it is feared that many warriors of the Imperium will fall before these deadly war machines.
The Decimator Daemon Engine, model designed by Daren Parrwood and Edgar Skomorowski, is an incredibly detailed full resin kit that stands roughly 4" (102mm) tall. Weapons for this fell war machine are sold separately. This kit is available to pre-order now for despatch from Monday 2nd April, and you can also download experimental rules for the Decimator from the Forge World website." - Forge World
You can go here to pre order the model: Decimator Engine
"The Decimator is a brutal and hellish creation; the essence of a creature of the Warp bound and fettered within the armoured bulk of a bipedal war machine. Great slab-shoulders of tainted and defiled ceramite and adamantium, and a low-set ‘head’ give the Decimator a characteristic hunched posture which exudes brooding and vicious menace.
Inquisitorial savants do not know for sure what malefic party is responsible for this sinful innovation as the Decimator is capable of fielding a wide range of armament: rapid-firing Butcher Cannons, multi-barrelled Stormlasers, and great raking Siege Claws to name but a few. Towering over even the mighty Contemptor Pattern Dreadnoughts of the Adeptus Astartes, the Decimator is believed to be an attempt to bolster the ranks of such ancient devices that still serve the Traitor Legions. If this is the truth, then it is feared that many warriors of the Imperium will fall before these deadly war machines.
The Decimator Daemon Engine, model designed by Daren Parrwood and Edgar Skomorowski, is an incredibly detailed full resin kit that stands roughly 4" (102mm) tall. Weapons for this fell war machine are sold separately. This kit is available to pre-order now for despatch from Monday 2nd April, and you can also download experimental rules for the Decimator from the Forge World website." - Forge World
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(c) Games-Workshop/Forge World |
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(c) Games-Workshop/Forge World |
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(c) Forge World/Games-Workshop |
Mantic Games - Veer-myn: The 8th Race
When Mantic Games did their interview with BeastsofWar they announced that their new Sci-Fi game Warpath would have 8 races. They included the Orx, Forge Fathers (Space Dwarfs), Corporation (human), Rebels (Human and Aliens), Zzor (Just insect like creatures), The Plague (zombies), and space fairies. The final 8th race was deemed classified. The only thing that they let slip up many months ago was the name, Veer-myn. Most of us had a strong feeling that they were going to be space rats due to the fact that it's a play off the word Vermin.
A few weeks ago, Mantic Games announced that the 8th race is here and will be shown in Project Pandora to start off. They were indeed space rats. The greens for the model were great but the same fear that came up with the Forge Fathers came up with the Veer-myn, how many of them can you customize to look different from the others? Well today Mantic released a picture of 10 fully painted Veer-myn models and let me be the first to say I'll put my money where my mouth is and buy a bunch of the models come May when they're rumored to be released.
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Veer-myn and picture (c) Mantic Games. |
I cannot wait to buy some of these guys and use them as my main instigators in most of my table top gaming. To me, there's nothing better than anthropomorphic creatures that are seen on the table top. I love ever model like this and have to give a great shout of to Mantic for doing something that finally screams Sci-Fi. There's nothing that strikes fear into the heart than a horde of rats charging at you. I bet they won't have a crazy stat line for defense and will be needed in a horde to survive but I can see their point cost being very cheap.
From the table top standard and the way Mantic's Warpath plays this could be very deadly. In Warpath your casualties aren't taken until the unit is destroyed which can happen after x amount of models in a group have been lost. Now imagine making a Forge Fathers army (maybe 50-60 models) have to shoot at an army of maybe 120+ Veer-myn. I am hoping that the point cost is low, I don't even care if the army is sub part in shooting and melee because with numbers come the ability to make up for lost brothers in the first wave of firing and combat.
From the table top standard and the way Mantic's Warpath plays this could be very deadly. In Warpath your casualties aren't taken until the unit is destroyed which can happen after x amount of models in a group have been lost. Now imagine making a Forge Fathers army (maybe 50-60 models) have to shoot at an army of maybe 120+ Veer-myn. I am hoping that the point cost is low, I don't even care if the army is sub part in shooting and melee because with numbers come the ability to make up for lost brothers in the first wave of firing and combat.
I need my space rats... The next purchase I make will be for Project Pandora just to get these beautiful models and to get my hands on hopefully a stat line and point price for these guys.
To view the Mantic Blog talking about Project Pandora, go here: Mantic Blog
To purchase/advance order Project Pandora, go here: Project Pandora
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Forge Fathers - As a Race
The following was taken directly from and is (c) to Mantic.
"The ancient and proud culture of the Forge Fathers has managed to retain its independence from the Corporation while others have fallen. Masters of science, artisans beyond compare, the Forge Fathers are the only aliens to trade with the Corporation on anything approaching even terms. While they are far fewer in numbers than humans, the Forge Fathers are renowned across the galaxy for their grasp of advanced technology. They are one of the only species in known space whose weaponry and spacecraft are more powerful than those of the Corporation. Their battle-suits are nigh-on impregnable, the destructive capability of their thermal guns is of tremendous magnitude, not to mention the incredible rate of fire and penetrative power of their solid-shot weaponry. In the field of space warfare, they are unsurpassed. Their ships are much like they are: slow, massive, resilient to damage, and armed to the teeth.
Forge Fathers are a cautious people in most matters, their technical secrets cannot be bought, and they take great pains to conceal the workings of the machinery that they sell to others. The structure, workings and habits of their civilization have only been won by the Corporation at great cost and effort, as the torture, psychological conditioning and mental engineering employed by the Corporation on war captives work rarely on the robust psyches of the Forge Fathers. Were it not for the few disaffected members of this honourable people willing to sell their secrets, the Corporation would know very little about them at all beyond that which the Forge Fathers wish them to know. Human spymasters can never be sure what they have gleaned is disinformation and which is truth. It is also a sad fact that there are far more corruptible individuals in the Co-Prosperity Sphere than in the Forge Fathers’ Star Realm. Corporation Central is well aware that the Forge Fathers have a great deal more information about mankind than mankind has about the Forge Fathers.
Although the core of the Forge Fathers’ realm lies coreward to Corporation space, they can be found throughout the galaxy. The great fleets of the Forge Fathers have been plying the heavens for millennia, travelling from system to system, selling their services. Although dubbed “Trading fleets” by the Corporation, this is something of a misnomer; each great Forge Father star-caravan centres on one or more Ward Ships, a mountain of metal and stone bristling with weapons. Smaller craft cluster about it, and these are multifarious in purpose. Besides smaller warships, many are tailored to constructive purpose: geoengineering, large-scale construction, fabrication, asteroid mining or whatever else the clan they belong to happens to specialise in. Depending on what they are engaged to do, a Forge Father fleet can remain in orbit around a planet for anything up to a century before moving on. This is but a short time for Forge Fathers; the longest lived in Corporation custody survived one hundred and fifty years before contriving to take his own life. It is suspected their natural lifespan is at least seventy years longer than this, and has been greatly extended by medical means.
Relations between the Corporation and the Forge Father Star Realm are tense. Military confrontation between the two almost always go in favour of the Forge Fathers. The Forge Fathers might lack the numbers or territorial ambition to exploit such victories, but any trespass into their space by Corporation Fleets has been ruthlessly dealt with, while every attempt to incorporate Forge Father worlds or clans into the Co-Prosperity Sphere have been foiled, no matter the means employed. The two powers will trade, but these transactions are always done on the Forge Fathers’ terms.
The activities of the Forge Fathers are of great interest to the Corporation, not least because they are capable of planetary engineering feats that make the Corporation’s own efforts appear feeble. In particular the Forge Fathers possess the ability to shift a world’s orbit; needless to say this is of great interest to Corporation peace contractors. There appears to be a new pattern emerging in the activities of the Forge Father trade fleets, with civilisations earmarked for incorporation into the Co-Prosperity Sphere suddenly gaining a much higher level of technology. Several cultures near the borders of the Star Realm have signed mutual protection pacts with the Forge Fathers, or even allowing themselves to by subsumed into the Star Realm entirely.
All this is exceedingly irksome to Corporation Central, but while the Forge Fathers remain preeminent in the field of space warfare, there is little prospect that the situation will change."
One of the most amazing races we have seen so far in Sci-Fi is the emergence of the Forge Fathers. Nothing screams Sci-Fi more than Dwarves with the capability of space flight. Purchase the Forge Father vrs Orx boxset and you've instantly got a way to demo the game for friends. There will be more to come and Mantic Games is releasing new kits and concepts all the time!
"The ancient and proud culture of the Forge Fathers has managed to retain its independence from the Corporation while others have fallen. Masters of science, artisans beyond compare, the Forge Fathers are the only aliens to trade with the Corporation on anything approaching even terms. While they are far fewer in numbers than humans, the Forge Fathers are renowned across the galaxy for their grasp of advanced technology. They are one of the only species in known space whose weaponry and spacecraft are more powerful than those of the Corporation. Their battle-suits are nigh-on impregnable, the destructive capability of their thermal guns is of tremendous magnitude, not to mention the incredible rate of fire and penetrative power of their solid-shot weaponry. In the field of space warfare, they are unsurpassed. Their ships are much like they are: slow, massive, resilient to damage, and armed to the teeth.
Forge Fathers are a cautious people in most matters, their technical secrets cannot be bought, and they take great pains to conceal the workings of the machinery that they sell to others. The structure, workings and habits of their civilization have only been won by the Corporation at great cost and effort, as the torture, psychological conditioning and mental engineering employed by the Corporation on war captives work rarely on the robust psyches of the Forge Fathers. Were it not for the few disaffected members of this honourable people willing to sell their secrets, the Corporation would know very little about them at all beyond that which the Forge Fathers wish them to know. Human spymasters can never be sure what they have gleaned is disinformation and which is truth. It is also a sad fact that there are far more corruptible individuals in the Co-Prosperity Sphere than in the Forge Fathers’ Star Realm. Corporation Central is well aware that the Forge Fathers have a great deal more information about mankind than mankind has about the Forge Fathers.
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Forge Fathers and Picture (c) Mantic Games. |
Although the core of the Forge Fathers’ realm lies coreward to Corporation space, they can be found throughout the galaxy. The great fleets of the Forge Fathers have been plying the heavens for millennia, travelling from system to system, selling their services. Although dubbed “Trading fleets” by the Corporation, this is something of a misnomer; each great Forge Father star-caravan centres on one or more Ward Ships, a mountain of metal and stone bristling with weapons. Smaller craft cluster about it, and these are multifarious in purpose. Besides smaller warships, many are tailored to constructive purpose: geoengineering, large-scale construction, fabrication, asteroid mining or whatever else the clan they belong to happens to specialise in. Depending on what they are engaged to do, a Forge Father fleet can remain in orbit around a planet for anything up to a century before moving on. This is but a short time for Forge Fathers; the longest lived in Corporation custody survived one hundred and fifty years before contriving to take his own life. It is suspected their natural lifespan is at least seventy years longer than this, and has been greatly extended by medical means.
Relations between the Corporation and the Forge Father Star Realm are tense. Military confrontation between the two almost always go in favour of the Forge Fathers. The Forge Fathers might lack the numbers or territorial ambition to exploit such victories, but any trespass into their space by Corporation Fleets has been ruthlessly dealt with, while every attempt to incorporate Forge Father worlds or clans into the Co-Prosperity Sphere have been foiled, no matter the means employed. The two powers will trade, but these transactions are always done on the Forge Fathers’ terms.
The activities of the Forge Fathers are of great interest to the Corporation, not least because they are capable of planetary engineering feats that make the Corporation’s own efforts appear feeble. In particular the Forge Fathers possess the ability to shift a world’s orbit; needless to say this is of great interest to Corporation peace contractors. There appears to be a new pattern emerging in the activities of the Forge Father trade fleets, with civilisations earmarked for incorporation into the Co-Prosperity Sphere suddenly gaining a much higher level of technology. Several cultures near the borders of the Star Realm have signed mutual protection pacts with the Forge Fathers, or even allowing themselves to by subsumed into the Star Realm entirely.
All this is exceedingly irksome to Corporation Central, but while the Forge Fathers remain preeminent in the field of space warfare, there is little prospect that the situation will change."
One of the most amazing races we have seen so far in Sci-Fi is the emergence of the Forge Fathers. Nothing screams Sci-Fi more than Dwarves with the capability of space flight. Purchase the Forge Father vrs Orx boxset and you've instantly got a way to demo the game for friends. There will be more to come and Mantic Games is releasing new kits and concepts all the time!
Friday, March 9, 2012
What's in the Army Box!!! Forge Fathers
As said early... I did purchase quiet a few Forge Father figures from Mantic Games. They are nice, I do love the rules and the game does have a small popularity. I am aware that because the game is very new that it probably won't take off for a little while but I am fine with that. The video here is not the greatest quality but I do plan on doing more videos and better videos once I get my apartment and living conditions in order.
Without further banter, here we go.
Without further banter, here we go.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Stormwall - The First Colossal
Warmachine is a table top game that revolves around a steampunk world, a scifi environment that allows Warcasters to control these massive Warjacks; steam powered behemoths essentially. The object on the field is to destroy the others army but first and formost, kill the other Warcaster. The biggest question I've had about the newest addition to Warmachine is the Colossal.
The Colossal is the largest of all the Warjacks. Here we have pictures of the Stormwall - A Cygnar Colossal and the price, and a description. Read below -
"Perhaps Nemo’s greatest creation, the Stormwall towers over Cygnar’s enemies with all the majesty and menace of a looming cloudburst. From the thunder of its guns to the blinding cracks of arcing electricity from its lightning pods, the Stormwall is the mechanikal embodiment of the tempest. Powered by both steam and surging voltaic energy, it riddles the enemy lines with cannon shells and hails of bullets before smashing survivors with its electrified fists." - (c) Privateer Press.
The prouct is massive... 120mm base. A heavy Warjack is 50mm. The price of this thing, at least at the moment is massive as well. $134.99. Now granted, the price is subject to change and may very well change. (I so hope it does because I will not spend more than $65 on that thing. As beautiful as it is more than $65 and you've become Games-Workshop and priced me out of wanting to play your game.)
I will post the link here so that you may take a look at the model, there is a 3D rotation of the model as well. Link -> Stormwall Colossal
The Colossal is the largest of all the Warjacks. Here we have pictures of the Stormwall - A Cygnar Colossal and the price, and a description. Read below -
"Perhaps Nemo’s greatest creation, the Stormwall towers over Cygnar’s enemies with all the majesty and menace of a looming cloudburst. From the thunder of its guns to the blinding cracks of arcing electricity from its lightning pods, the Stormwall is the mechanikal embodiment of the tempest. Powered by both steam and surging voltaic energy, it riddles the enemy lines with cannon shells and hails of bullets before smashing survivors with its electrified fists." - (c) Privateer Press.
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Picture (c) Privateer Press - Cygnar - Colossal |
I will post the link here so that you may take a look at the model, there is a 3D rotation of the model as well. Link -> Stormwall Colossal
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Defiance Games - USMC
"The United States Marine Corps is America's force-in-readiness and first responder throughout American space. Working closely with the Office for Colonial Affairs (OCA), the Marines secure the "beachhead" in any interstellar conflict and pave the way for the US Army in longer-term engagements. Given this role, Marine Expeditionary Units are highly trained and capable of autonomous operations. The time-honored motto of the USMC is “Semper Fidelis” – Latin for “Always Faithful”. Semper Fi!
The USMC is a Core Force in Combat: Alien War and will receive several releases over the coming months including: USMC Infantry, USMC Hardsuits (Power Armor), Female Marines, and Heavy Weapons among others." - (c) Defiance Games - USMC Troops
There is nothing better than the idea of fielding a large army on the table top with the ability to be anything other than beautiful. Defiance Games has finally gone ahead and begun to sell their USMC Infantry for their new game. Not only do the miniatures look fantastic, but they've put so much detail and so much love, not to mention so many spare parts and weapons inside that you cannot help yet want to buy them. They also would make great proxies for anyone who does not want to purchase Games-Workshops Imperial Guard for their at home games and at home skirmishes.
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"The Few... The Proud... Are Here!" -Defiance Games, Picture (c) Defiance Games. |
There is nothing better than free publicity and we all know that. These guys look great and they will no doubt be the next box that I buy and will do a What's in the Box on Youtube. It may be a little later than most people end up doing it but I want to make sure that these beautiful miniatures get a great debut. Not to mention, I'm going to need a bunch of them!!!
If you would like to purchase them, please visit the link here. -> USMC
Project Pandora
Every table top game tends to have it's two player battle box or as some people refer to them, the Demo Box. These work great for people to either demo the game quickly, to present an hour or two of fun on a Sunday afternoon with the pals, or a way to quickly grab and start to armies for buddies looking into getting a game. The new game Warpath that has been put out by Mantic Games is no different.
Let's take a look at the game itself. It is called Project Pandora and takes place on a starship. The game has not come out yet, so you may ask well how do we know this? Well the game comes with a starship tile set for you to play upon. It also comes with 10 plastic Corporation Units and 10 8th Race Scavengers. We know that the 8th race has been announced as being Space Rats.
Let's take a look at the game itself. It is called Project Pandora and takes place on a starship. The game has not come out yet, so you may ask well how do we know this? Well the game comes with a starship tile set for you to play upon. It also comes with 10 plastic Corporation Units and 10 8th Race Scavengers. We know that the 8th race has been announced as being Space Rats.
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Picture (c) Mantic Games/Warpath |
If you like buckets of dice Warpath is the game for you.
They have beautiful figures.
They are cheaply priced.
They are easy to assemble and can be assembled under a single night.
The figures are not very pose able and with a large scale army you easily find yourself with multiple figures that look identical.
They're much more difficult to paint assembled which leads to those that have plans of painting needing to not place them together from the get go or dealing with it afterwards.
These Pros and Cons are based only off of seeing the Forge Fathers that I purchased and I have no doubt that the figures and the pictures we've seen on the Corporation may be much better than the Forge Fathers.
Link for all those that would like to purchase Project Pandora: Project Pandora
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Infinity the Game - Karakuri
Let me start by saying I love the cross between the robotic female form and the geisha look. When you throw the idea of this scifi conception behind a game that not only looks cool but is a fast paced skirmish, that's beautiful. From the gaming aspect I don't quite know where they stand on the table top but I know they're beautiful models. I would also be willing to say just for collectors of miniatures, these are a must have.
" Like their namesakes, the present Karakuri are dazzling technological prodigies, the next stage in the evolutionary process of combat machines. The modern Karakuri are designed to surprise too. They possess an invisible armoury, hidden in compartments secreted throughout their bodies: from an anti-tank projectile to a pistol, with a plastic explosive package for auto-destructive farewell fireworks. All weapons and systems have been miniaturized, compacted and assembled to achieve maximal volumetric reduction. The result is an ultrasophisticated android creature, built in the form of the ultimate woman/machine hybrid. With a reinforced metallic skeleton, armoured breastplate, wasp waist, long legs, inexpressive facial mask and hidden weaponry, the Karakuri are more fearsome than they are beautiful, the erotic nightmare of any combat cyborg." - Taken from Infinity: The Game's website, page on the models. Link and pictures below.
Infinity the Game - Karakuri
If anyone has these models and wants to send me some pictures of them, please do at I would love to see them. Please in the email say whether you would give me permission to use your models on the blog along with an website you would like me to put up/throw up so that people know where to contact you about the models.
Also, if anyone has any comments about Infinity the Game and knows how these beauties stand on the table top, please let me know in the comments below. :)
" Like their namesakes, the present Karakuri are dazzling technological prodigies, the next stage in the evolutionary process of combat machines. The modern Karakuri are designed to surprise too. They possess an invisible armoury, hidden in compartments secreted throughout their bodies: from an anti-tank projectile to a pistol, with a plastic explosive package for auto-destructive farewell fireworks. All weapons and systems have been miniaturized, compacted and assembled to achieve maximal volumetric reduction. The result is an ultrasophisticated android creature, built in the form of the ultimate woman/machine hybrid. With a reinforced metallic skeleton, armoured breastplate, wasp waist, long legs, inexpressive facial mask and hidden weaponry, the Karakuri are more fearsome than they are beautiful, the erotic nightmare of any combat cyborg." - Taken from Infinity: The Game's website, page on the models. Link and pictures below.
Infinity the Game - Karakuri
(c) Karakuri: Infinity the Game. These models are amazing.
If anyone has these models and wants to send me some pictures of them, please do at I would love to see them. Please in the email say whether you would give me permission to use your models on the blog along with an website you would like me to put up/throw up so that people know where to contact you about the models.
Also, if anyone has any comments about Infinity the Game and knows how these beauties stand on the table top, please let me know in the comments below. :)
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Warmachine - Colossals
I've been looking at Warmachine on and off for a while now. I've been interested in the play style and how the game would compare for me and my buddies in comparison to Warhammer 40k or Fantasy. Luckily for me, after watching various battle reports from MiniWargaming and BlueTablePainting I can say that Privateer Press has me sold on yet another miniatures game. This spring I will be putting together a goal of purchasing two armies, Khador and Menoth mainly for the ease in beginning these two armies with the battle boxes and the two player boxes. My goal is to have them finished by my birthday in May. The reason for this, is the Colossals.
Preview the Colossals
This creation looks so beautiful, and so big that I just want to field it on the table and be able to command it's awesome power as I destroy another army. I'm easily falling in love with Khador and once I have these two armies done, I'll move onto RoS but that is a different story. I'll show you some more love with more pictures below. Watch the video as well in the link.
Preview the Colossals
Khador Colossal
(c) Privateer Press
All intellectual property above is (c) to those that hold the property and intellect. We in no way claim to own Khador, Privateer Press, BeastsOfWar, MiniwarGaming, BlueTablePainting Games-Workshop or any of their property. We are not endorsed through either of these companies and use this blog to promote Table Top Gaming and in the off chance that more people start to play these games a way of promoting companies that are a good place to start off.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Skin Wolves?
I don't know if anyone has checked the Forge World website yet, but they're always coming out with great products. The most recent of which is the Forge World - Skin Wolves. Who doesn't love massive chaos werewolves?
These are just beautiful. I could see someone using them as chaos spawn for a chaos army or a chaos space marine army, or even just for a special campaign where space wolves have been taken over by chaos and have fully given into the Wolfen. I really do love the models that these companies are putting out.
(c) Games-Workshop, Forge World, and respective artists. Opinions are property to those that speak them and have thought them.
(c) Forge World/Games-Workshop
(c) Forge World/Games-Workshop
(c) Forge World/Games-Workshop
These are just beautiful. I could see someone using them as chaos spawn for a chaos army or a chaos space marine army, or even just for a special campaign where space wolves have been taken over by chaos and have fully given into the Wolfen. I really do love the models that these companies are putting out.
(c) Games-Workshop, Forge World, and respective artists. Opinions are property to those that speak them and have thought them.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Imminent Tervigon Release
As everyone knows, or so I hope everyone knows, Tyranids have a HUGE release coming on March 3rd. The release of the Tervigon not only changes how the list will be used (there are some people who do not run lists with models that don't exist) but the very size can help with cheese! Being the model is of a larger base, it helps to increase the distance of not only it's power, but it's synapse, and gives us about an extra inch of push if we spawn and put them in front of the model as far as we can. The downside would be that because the base is larger that the explosion is a little larger now that 6 inches from the models base and being a larger base, eeeek.
Anyways, the Tervigon is the real piece of excitement... I need one NOW, but I'll want to get five within the year just to max out. I have had Tyranids since 4th edition but I haven't put much of them together simply to me moving back to marines... I was excited when I saw the updated codex although without the models I personally wasn't going to run them. Now if only we can get a harpy or two I might be happy. :)
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Picture (C) |
Anyways, the Tervigon is the real piece of excitement... I need one NOW, but I'll want to get five within the year just to max out. I have had Tyranids since 4th edition but I haven't put much of them together simply to me moving back to marines... I was excited when I saw the updated codex although without the models I personally wasn't going to run them. Now if only we can get a harpy or two I might be happy. :)
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